Monday 21 December 2015


Ryanair defend themselves over claims in-flight charity scratch cards are an 'utterly cynical' way to make money

A spokesperson for the airline said the claims were 'fanciful and inaccurate guestimates'
Ryanair has dismissed claims it misled passengers over its charity scratch card scheme as“speculative and false”
Facebook user James McKelvie criticised the low-cost airline, calling it “utterly cynical”. 
Writing a post, which has already been shared over 16,000 times on the social networking site, he explained how having done his own “investigation” into the scratch cards, he discovered that only a marginal proportion of donations actually reach the charity.
Scratch cards are offered to passengers on most flights. The cards cost €2 and a proportion of the proceeds are said to go to a charity selected by the airline. Passengers also enter to win prizes, including a possible €1million.
Mr McKelvie alleges: “They [Ryanair] were selling them [cards] using the children’s hospice charity CHAS which, they said, benefitted from their sale.”
“On later investigation, I discovered that in 2013 they sold about 16 million euro worth of scratch cards and distributed 55,000 euro to charities, i.e. about 0.3%, or less than one cent for each 2 euro scratch card went to charity.”
In the post, Mr McKelvie also condemned the Dublin-based airline over the chances of winning the top prize of €1million euro from participating in the scratch
He claims: “There is also only one card per year with the chance of winning the million euro, but if you are lucky enough to get this card, you are then invited to choose from 125 envelopes, only one of which has a cheque for 1 million euro. The million euro will only be won once every 125 years.”
Responding to the claims, a spokesperson for Ryanair told The Independent: “The information in this Facebook post is entirely speculative and false. The author has no basis for his fanciful and inaccurate guestimates. “ 
“We don’t disclose how many scratch cards are sold, as this is commercially sensitive. However, over the past five years Ryanair has donated over €2m to almost 50 charities across 12 different EU countries. These charities cover a wide range of hospitals, schools, child welfare and sports club fundraisings. Over the last 12 months alone more than €500,000 was donated to charitable causes.
 “Over the last five years the €1m top prize has not (yet) been won, but over €1,500,000 has been won by Ryanair customers in free cars..

Thursday 26 June 2014

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Ryanair JULIUSZ KOMOREK OBYWATELI POLSKICH oszukiwania .. Czy on jest cudownym dzieckiem, czy tylko wyzyskiwacz ...

Juliusz Komorek z 11 Thornleigh Road, Applewood Village, Swords.Ireland ..

Dyrektor Spraw Prawnych i prawne; Sekretarza Spółki z RYANAIR.

Komorek ma 33 lata. Wstąpił Ryanair w 2004 r.; po tym "wcześniej zdobył odpowiednie doświadczenie w Komisji Europejskiej i Ambasady Polskiej przy UE w Brukseli". Kiedy dołączyła do Ryanair, był 26.

Tak więc w wieku 26 lat już dwa prawa stopni i poprzedni "odpowiednie" doświadczenie w Komisji Europejskiej i Ambasady Polskiej.
W Polska to zrobić swój stopień podczas 24 lub 25 (najwcześniej), bo rozpoczęciem studiów, kiedy masz 19 lub 20. Trwa 5 lat, aby zrobić swoje mistrzów.

Liczby te nie sumują się.Cudowne dziecko?

W 2007 roku został zastępcą dyrektora ds. prawne i regulacyjne. Tak więc był 29. Takie stanowisko nie jest osiągalny dla irlandzkich prawników z wieloletnim doświadczeniem. Więc dlaczego on?

Myślę, że jego Komisji Europejskiej i Ambasady Polskiej przy UE w Brukseli doświadczenie, był to sposób dla wielu europejskich, głównie studentów z Polski coraz wykorzystywane przez Ryanair.Komorek jest także sekretarzem dla biznesu O'Leary to jest.

Thursday 23 June 2011



W marcu 2011 13 moja córka poprzedniego postulatu w odbierać przez Internet, w Argentynie, wniosek o przeniesienie w Wielkiej Brytanii do pracy 2 lata w Ryanair. Ona wysyła jej nauczania oraz listu motywacyjnego na to ma adres tej firmy, otrzymując następnie on-line wywiadzie, który zostanie odebrane. Trzy dni po tym otrzymują Umowę umowy w charakterze Flight Attendant (personel pokładowy) z dnia pracy start z dnia 9 maja bieżącego roku.
Firma ta, irlandzka firma, działa w wielu bazach europejskich, szczególnie w Stansted w Londynie. Wśród innych warunkach wykazały, że musiała pokryć koszty przetwarzania wizy i prac, które zostaną zwrócone w całości po krótkim czasie jej przyjazd.
Również, że musiała podjąć kontakt z barrister Gill Adams (e-mail: barristergill.adams @ i gill.adams @ skrzelowych, która byłaby odpowiedzialna przetwarzania dokumentacji w Wielkiej Brytanii.
W tym roku otrzymała kilka e-maili i rozmów z tego rzekomego prawnika, pytając, prawie zawsze z pośpiechu, niektóre przekazy pieniężne do każdego z określonych pojęć, nagle cięcia z rozmowy nie daje się do pytania lub wyjaśnienia wątpliwości.
W niektórych ocations, staraliśmy się brać kontakt telefoniczny z jego (rzekomo) biura, w którym nigdy nie odpowiedział na połączenia,
Dwie gorące przekazy złotówki były, jak jego zamówienia, wysłane przez Western Union w imieniu Cole A. Williams, jak tylko dane odbiorcy.
Przed chwilą wysłania ma ostatnio przelewu pieniędzy, stwierdziliśmy, że aż do odwołania, Western Union wstrzymał przesyłek do niektórych krajów Wielkiej Brytanii, przed tym, co mamy spojrzał na inną spółkę (Money Gram), które to samo i która jako norma tylko przelać pieniądze na rachunkach bankowych, mówiąc przez mail do "adwokat" Gill Adams o mimowolne zdarzeń losowych, on odpowie złe maniery przez nowego połączenia z jego częścią, wściekły z powodu sytuacji, za co po niespodziewanym katharsis, cięte ponownie połączenie.
Kilka minut po napisał e-mail oznacza, że ​​możemy wysłać pieniądze za pośrednictwem Money Gram, ale "w imię jej sekretarz": Nora Alexandra Godollei, konto N º 79819895, Wielka Brytania, IBAN 09012779819895, Santander Bank, ABBYGB2LXXX kod BIC sortowania 090.127, co zrobiliśmy, chociaż wątpliwości i podejrzeń w związku z popełnieniem postawa jego część, zaczął korodować nam więcej.
W oznaczonej chwili, informuje o mojej córce, że wszystkie dokumenty zostały zatwierdzone wygodnie i że w nie wiele dni ona otrzymać bilet, który zostanie przedstawiony i podejmowanie pracy. Ponieważ był opóźniony, pozostawiając mały margines do przedstawienia Ryanair wyznaczony dzień umową, barrister Gill Adams wysłać nową umowę z nową datą rozpoczęcia pracy.
Podczas gdy to się dzieje, że podniesione w kopie świadectw oficjalnie zatwierdzenia udało dokumentacji, której on nigdy nie odpowiedział lub przesłać kopie. To również nie przybyć bilet, albo, dlatego, że nie wysłał tego ostatniego wymaganej zapłaty.
Kilka dni po, zbliża się kolejny okres powinien rozpocząć działalności w "nowych" umów, nazywa wymagających natychmiastowej zapłaty dużą sume od złotówki, ponieważ dokumentacja została zatrzymana przez HM Revenue & Customs, jest to konieczne pieniędzy "odblokować", udając, że nadal manipulowania nam rzekome deceivings i kłamstwa.
Oczywiście, że daje wątpliwe zachowanie to ma prawnika iw tym momencie na okoliczności, o zakończeniu oświetlenie złudzenie pracy z naszą córką dalej, że z pomysłowości naszej rodziny.

Podczas rozwoju tego procesu został absolutnie niemożliwe do podjęcia kontaktu z firmą Ryanair w efekcie potwierdzającą, w rzeczywistości "adwokat" był ich przedstawicielem lub był oszustem, a ich telefony nie były odbierane, tylko adres elektroniczny dostępny jest tylko w wyniku publikacji ogłoszeń na webapage.

Wnioski: 1) Ryanair nieświadomie ułatwia, że ​​tego rodzaju illicits się nie dostarczając adres e-mail i / lub numery telefonów do ewakuacji takich wątpliwości. 2) powinien dysponować kontroli osób, które wykorzystują swoje bazy danych. 3) oszust barrister Gill Adams lub Cole A. Williams działa bezkarnie, a nawet "reprezentujących" dla wielu firm z innych sektorów "rekrutacji", jak można łatwo potwierdzić w Internecie. 4) Z informacji tutaj mowa, nie może być trudne, aby dowiedzieć się naprawdę tożsamość tej osoby, ponieważ osoba z imienia, nazwiska, numeru rachunku i dokumentu wycofała płatności, o których mowa powyżej.

Pytamy publicznie do władz Wielkiej Brytanii, że zbadanie przestępczej działalności tego człowieka i jego wspólników, które działają bezkarnie przed ich nosem.

Kto może być zainteresowany, dysponujemy, jako dowód, kopii umów, przesyłek pieniężnych, maile otrzymane itp..

Proszę, pomóż nam rozpowszechnianie tej wiadomości do wszystkich europejskich kontaktów, zwłaszcza z Anglii i Irlandii i przełożenie tego na inne języki.


Sunday 12 June 2011

PEACEFUL MEETING 24.00hours - Tuesday 14TH June 2011 till 24.00hours Wednesday 15th June 2011...

PEACEFUL MEETING 24.00hours - Tuesday 14TH June 2011 till 24.00hours Wednesday 15th June 2011...

A peaceful protest will take place at John Lennon Airport this Tuesday night for 24 hours....
We call on  John Lennon Airport/Airport Police to facilitate this peaceful meeting as a respect to all Ryanair Crew...
A small candle light sevice will start at 23,55 hours Tuesday 14th June..Prayers taken by Training Pastor Mick Kinsella....12 Latins will be released after the last flight as a respect to Paul Ridgard..(Real Important Pilot ) R.I.P......
Anybody who wishes to be involved are welcome...The roundabout nearest to the airport entrance will be the meeting place....
A donation bucket will be in place.Donations will be sent to Mr Paul Ridgard's family...

Thursday 19 May 2011


Below is the Crewlink/Ryanair Training Agreement For Hahn Ryanair Training Camp in Germany.
As you can see this Agreement is a sham like all aspects of Ryanair/Crewlink Recruitment andTraining.
Ryanairdontcare Campaign would hope any student who wishes to join Ryanair,please read and get advise on this Agreement before you join Europe's Greatest Training Robbers ''RYANAIR''.

Ryanair/Crewlink Cabin Crew Operator Training Agreement :  ''Which Ryanairdontcare Campaign say is a sham''

This agreement is dated the ________________________ 2011 between Crewlink Ireland Limited, and,

NAME: …………………………………………………………………....................................................




To successfully train with CREWLINK IRELAND LIMITED for the position of Cabin Crew Operator for B737/800 aircraft for the purpose of gaining employment with CREWLINK IRELAND LIMITED who have a 3 year contract to supply subcontracted Cabin Crew to Ryanair.

First and foremost, congratulations on being offered a place on Crewlink Ireland Limited training course! We look forward to working with you on the course. Below are all the details of your training contract. Like all contracts it contains legalistic phrasing etc. so if you are not sure of anything contained in the contract please contact me and I will answer any questions that you may have.


1. Criteria for Acceptance to the Training Course:
To qualify for acceptance to the training Course applicants must satisfy the following criteria:
1)  Pass interview assessment
2)  Intermediate + level of English         
3)  Aged 18 +
4)  Able to swim
5)  Height between 5”2 and 6”3
6)  Willing and have unrestricted right to work anywhere in Ireland and the UK
7)  Medically fit in accordance with airline procedures
8)  No previous criminal record
9)  Weight in proportion to height
10) Hold current EU passport valid for minimum of 1 year
11) Complete Pre-course study pack – 40 hours study
12) No Visible Tattoos
* Student must download this pack in advance of the course

Please note all candidates must be proficient in the English language in order to qualify for a place on the course.

2. Medical Exam:
Like a lot of jobs these days a medical examination is necessary. To operate as cabin crew it is a requirement that a medical exam will have to be taken by an aviation approved doctor at the start of the training course. The fee for the medical exam is included in the course tuition fee. It will be necessary to pass the exam in order to continue with the training course (conditions preventing participation in the course include epilepsy and diabetes).

3. Airport ID Application / References Letters:
For security reasons you will need an Airport Identification Card to access the airport to operate as cabin crew. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that they have provided the training school with all the relevant details to obtain an airport ID. There are different requirements for different airports. Please note these requirements which you will receive when you base is assigned. You will be assigned your base before you start the course so you will be aware of the ID requirements for your particular base.
These must be provided either before or on the first day of the course in order to provide sufficient time to be processed before the end of the course. If all your references are not submitted and approved by the airport before the end of the course, you will not be able to take up the position.

Police Clearance

A Police Clearance Certificate (from your home country) verifying that the applicant has no previous criminal convictions should be supplied on the 1st day of the training course.  This will be used when applying for each applicants Airport Base ID.  Any expenses incurred in applying for a Police Clearance Certificate will be at the applicant’s own expense. If you have lived in any country during the last 5 years for 6 months or more, you will need to supply a Police Clearance Certificate from that Country. If you do not supply Police Clearance Certificates your ID cannot be submitted and you need to have your FULL ID approved by the end of the course, otherwise you cannot take up the position of Cabin Crew.

4. Training Course Schedule:
The course will run for approximately six weeks generally from 0900 – 1800, five days a week and may include weekend days. The majority of the training days will be completed in the classroom; however, training will also be carried out at an airport base and in-flight. Due to the availability of aircraft this training may not necessarily happen during normal course hours and maybe completed at weekends or during the night. It will be necessary for the Trainees to make themselves available at these times should it be required. The training School reserves the right to change the course plan and move the location of the classroom if it proves necessary to do so.

5. Breakdown of Training Course Schedule:
The course is divided into 3 parts:
Part 1: Service Training, 1 week:
Introduction Day
Airline terminology
Ryanair route information                                  
Passenger Handling / Customer Care
Uniform fitting / Grooming
Service on board
Boarding Duties

Part 2: Safety Training, 4 weeks:
Survival Techniques (this will take place in a local swimming pool)
Equipment Operation on board
Evacuating Procedures
Dangerous Goods
First Aid
Crew Resource Management
Aircraft Visit
Cabin Trainer
Fire Chamber

Part 3: Supernumerary Flights:
On successful completion of the final examination and for the purpose of completion of the training, it will be necessary for each trainee to complete a series of “supernumerary flights” (practice flights) with experienced Cabin Crew Staff operating on Ryanair aircraft.
Supernumerary flights will be organised over two or three consecutive days and are part of the training and therefore unpaid. The base/airport from which the supernumerary flights are operated will be assigned subject to availability and will be at the discretion of Ryanair.
At all times Crewlink Ireland Limited have the right to relocate Cabin Crew Staff to any Ryanair European base/airport.  While every consideration will be given to each Trainee’s base preference, due to logistical and operational demands the cabin crew contract agencies have the right to move staff where Ryanair’s operation requirements dictate.

6. Transport to Off-site Training Locations:     
During the Training Course it will be necessary to complete part of the training in off-site locations (e.g. Dublin Airport / UK Airports). Any road transport required to/from these will be supplied by The Training School. Any air transport required to/from these locations will be supplied by Ryanair.
Should a Trainee fail to take advantage of the transport supplied due to illness/lateness/etc., no subsequent or alternative arrangement will be offered. Failure to attend off-site training may result in expulsion from the Training Course.

7. Accommodation during the Training Course:
Accommodation is supplied during the course on the campus in Hahn, which is beside the training academy. The cost of this accommodation is included in the course fee on a room only basis.  You will be required to sign a separate Agreement in relation to the accommodation.

8. Study Time:
The training course is an intensive programme and will require that each Trainee takes approximately 2 hours each evening to revise what they have learned that day. You will need to do this in order to pass the exams. It is hard work but you will find the training course exciting and fun and it’s a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.

9. Pre Course Study Pack
The Pre course study pack will be sent to each candidate before the course commences. There is 40 hours of study within the pack and each candidate must ensure that they have covered all the topics before the first day of training.

10. Attendance:
Like any course that you would study attendance is compulsory. In a mere five weeks you will learn an entirely new profession. Each day of the course is dedicated to a specific training technique and cannot be repeated, hence, it is obligatory that all Trainees maintain a 100% attendance record. Absenteeism or repeated tardiness will result in expulsion from the course. There will be no refund of fees should this happen.

11. Behaviour:
Trainee’s general behaviour and attitude will be assessed throughout the Training Course. If your instructor deems your behaviour to be unsatisfactory, (this would include abuse of alcohol/drugs) may terminate you from the Training Course and you will not be offered a position as cabin crew. There will be no refund of fees in this case.

12. Examinations:
Examinations will take place throughout the training. It will be necessary for any trainee who would like to be put forward for a position with Crewlink Ireland Limited to pass all of these exams. There will be no refund of fees should a trainee fail to pass their final exam. An opportunity to re-sit the final exam will be given in certain circumstances. If you are encountering any difficulties on the course it is extremely important that you inform the trainer so that they can give you as much additional assistance as is possible.

13. Wings Ceremony:
Successful Trainees will be invited to participate in the wings Ceremony / Presentation to celebrate all the hard work during the course and will be organised for you by the training school. You will receive your uniform and Training Certificate on this day.

14. Base Allocation:
While every effort is made to meet your preferred base request, please note there may not be any positions available at these locations and as such, you may be offered an alternative base. Base allocations will be assigned during the three weeks before the first day of the course and therefore you can begin your search for accommodation with other students at your base. Your instructor will endeavour to assist you with contact details from crew notice boards and letting agents. You have time allocated in the course plan for a base visit and this includes time to view accommodation. It will be the Trainee’s own responsibility to organise their accommodation at their new location.                                                      

15. Successful Completion of Course:
Crewlink Ireland Limited will employ Trainees who have successfully completed all aspects of the Training Course/Final Exam and the Supernumerary flights procedure and obtain a Full Airport ID for positions of Cabin Crew contracted to operate on Ryanair aircraft.
It will be the Trainee’s own responsibility to organise their accommodation at their new location.
Once assigned to base, Trainees should have sufficient funds to support themselves (rent, food, etc) until such time as their first salary is deposited into their bank account on 10th day of the month.
The minimum sustenance amount is estimated at €200 per week.

16. Deposit:
The course fee is €2,800.00 if paid in full before the course start date.

If the candidate chooses to pay in monthly installments a deposit of €1,000.00 must be paid before the training course commences and the receipt scanned and emailed to Andrew Swan at The remainder of the €2,000.00 course fee, which includes €100.00 in relation to administration costs, will be deducted from your salary each month @ €300.00 per month from Month 2 to Month 5, €500.00 in Month 6 and €300.00 in Month 7. The full training fee will be paid in full by Month 7. Total Course Fee Paid will be €3,000.00.

Please write your name and the course location and date on the receipt before you scan and email to Andrew Swan.

Should your employment with Crewlink Ireland Limited terminate for any reason, or should you fail to take up employment with Crewlink Ireland Limited having successfully completed your training course, the full balance of the course fees due will become immediately payable.  These may be deducted from your final salary, and in the event that further sums are due, these will be recoverable from you immediately as a contract debt.  You hereby agree that the full costs of recovering such debt from you will be owed by you as a contract debt to Crewlink Ireland Limited.  This means that if the company has to pay expenses to a debt collection agency, or issue legal proceedings against you, the full costs incurred by Crewlink Ireland Limited will be payable by you, not just such costs as might normally be awarded by a Court.

This agreement constitutes your prior written consent in writing to all deductions or payments under the Payment of Wages Act, 1991 as are contemplated by your Contract of Employment, this training agreement [or the staff handbook].

17. Refund Policy:

Candidates, who for legitimate reasons must resign from the Course prior to its conclusion, on the basis of written permission by the trainer, may be able to take up enrolment in a subsequent course.  This will only be possible in the case of written permission by the trainer running the course, clearly indicating the possibility for the applicant to repeat the course. The student must wait a minimum of 6 months before commencing a subsequent course. In this case the candidate will be required to pay a further administration fee to participate in an ensuing course instead of the standard deposit fee. After payment of this fee the candidate may begin an ensuing course, under the condition of beginning this ensuing course from the start, regardless of when the applicant terminated studies in the previous course.

The deposit of €1,000.00 is non-refundable if the participant resigns from the course for any reason.

18. Bank Account Details:

Method of Payment: Please pay your Deposit by Bank Transfer to our Bank Account, the details of which are:-

Crewlink Ireland Limited Ltd, Dublin, Ireland,

IBAN Code IE85 ULSB 9850 3010 4479 65

Swift Code ULSBIE2D
Bank Address: Ulster Bank, 79/80, Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Please fax a copy of the Transfer Receipt to Audrey at Crewlink Ireland Limited, Fax Number 003531 2041004, within one week of receiving this letter, in order to reserve your place on the Training Course, as numbers are limited due to large interest. 

19. Confidential Information:
Except insofar as your duties shall require it, you shall not, during the continuance of your training with the Training School or at any time after the termination thereof, without the previous written consent of the Training School , disclose any “Confidential Information” relating to the Training School and/or its associated companies (including Ryanair and the Employer) or their respective businesses, any trade secrets, the knowledge of which you may possess while training with the Training School, not use or attempt to use such information or trade secrets in any way that may cause loss or injury to the Training School, it’s associated companies (including Ryanair and the Employer) or their respective businesses with which the Training School has business dealings.
“Confidential Information” includes but is not limited to all secret confidential information of whatever kind that may have come to your knowledge during or as a result of your training with the Training School, its business plans, finances, staff, customers and prospective customers, suppliers or products, information which has been disclosed to the Training School in confidence by a third party, and any other information of a kind that would usually be regarded as secret or confidential.
You shall not at any time during your training nor at any time after the termination of your training, directly or indirectly gather material about any aspect of the Training School’s operation for use by newspapers, magazines, websites, television or radio stations, or any other media or other third party use.
You are expressly prohibited from making any video, audio, electronic or other recording of any aspect of the Training School’s or Ryanair’s operations whilst on duty or off duty without the express prior written permission of the Training School and Ryanair.
You shall not work on behalf of any media organisation or work on a freelance basis during your training with the Training School. Failure to comply with the above provisions shall be considered grounds to immediately terminate your participation in the training course. In addition, the Training School will initiate legal proceedings against you and/or any relevant third party seeking damages (including exemplary damages) for defamation libel, breaches of confidentiality and invasion of privacy and furthermore shall pursue you for the legal costs of said proceedings.

20. Assignment:
The Training School shall have the right to assign this Agreement to any other person, firm or corporation without the Trainee’s consent. This agreement is personal to the Trainee and shall not be assignable by the Trainee. 

21. Course Fee:

Cost of accommodation during the course
Cost of Medical
Cost of processing your ID
Cost of transport to off-site training locations

Hotel Accommodation when completing base visits
Cost of uniform
Cost of Crew bag
Cost of collection of ID at Airport
Cost of Criminal Record Certificates

Should you successfully pass the training course and enter into an employment contract with the Employer the full training fees will be owed by you to the Employer. If you decide to take the instalment plan option, the balance of the training fees will be deducted by the Employer at the rate of @ €300.00 per month from Month 2 to Month 5, €500.00 in Month 6 and €300 in Month 7 from the salary payment from the Employer. The first installment of €300.00 will be deducted by the Employer from your second salary payment. By signing this Cabin Crew Operator Training Course Agreement you are signifying in writing to the Employer making deductions for the monthly repayment of the training fees from your salary as detailed in this paragraph. If your employment is terminated by either you or the Employer before the entire training fees are paid, the balance owed will become immediately payable to the Employer and will be deducted by the Employer from you final salary payment from the Employer. If your final salary payment does not cover the training fees owed, you will be expected to pay the outstanding amount immediately to the training school with whom you have signed your training agreement. By signing this Cabin Crew Operator Training Course Agreement you are signifying in writing to the Employer making deductions from your final salary for the balance of the training fees owed from your final salary as detailed in this paragraph.

22. Summary:
While Crewlink Ireland Limited currently has contracts of employment for positions crewing Ryanair aircraft at bases throughout Europe, you must clearly understand that your position on the training course does not constitute an offer of employment. Positions with Crewlink Ireland Limited will only be offered to those who have successfully completed all aspects of the assessments and training process.
In order to do this, you must achieve the required pass rate in all examinations throughout the training course and you must also pass the medical examination required by the aviation authorities. Your overall attitude will also be assessed throughout the course. The medical examination will be undertaken by an aviation practitioner and trainees who are found to have illnesses such as epilepsy which may affect the safety of the passengers will not meet the medical requirements for the position and therefore an offer of employment with Crewlink Ireland Limited will not be made.
I, the undersigned, understand and agree to accept the terms of this Training Agreement: - I understand that my position on the training does not constitute an offer of employment and in order to secure a contract of employment with Crewlink Ireland Limited I will need to pass all aspects of my training, including Oral, Practical, Written examinations, a medical examination and reference / identity checks.

23. Good Luck!

Finally, congratulations again on being offered a place on Crewlink Ireland Limited training course. Best of luck on the course and hope everything works out well for you. If you have any queries about this contract please do not hesitate to contact:-

Ashley Caffrey @

Finally, please sign and print your name below.

Signed: (School) ________________                  Date:   _______________

Signed: (Student) _______________                 Date:   _______________

Saturday 14 May 2011


Saturday, 14 May 2011


This is our new blog

Today 14th May 2011 the powers to be have closed down our BLOG ryanairdontcare which hit new heights as the biggest anti BLOG against recruitment of probation cabin crew at Ryanair.GVING TRUE FACTS about ryanair's explotation of probationary cabin crew...

Last month April 2011 we had over 6000 hits and over 39000 hits in two years.It is a sad day for our campaign which is our fight against ryanair.

I will promise to continue to fight ryanair day after day,week after week and year after year till JUSTICE has been done and Bonderman tpg capital and O'Leary,the fight goes on...... and ,both websites are still live...

GOOGLE message...

Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

John Said,
This is our new blog